Tuesday 26 March 2013

Collage In Soft Colors

Well over the last few days I've had a small brain storm in regards to putting together a Collage style, that has the softness of combining images with out the harsh boarders you usually see in a typical Collage. In the two image below you can see a distinct style in the type of work that I do.  I love a cohesive image that can tell you a story OR simply appealing enough to admire.

Title: Blue Haze

 Title: Softness In Pastels

Sunday 24 March 2013

Busy Busy ~ Sunday Magic

Hello long time no hear!!  LOL  Well what can I say at this point but, I've been busy working hard to get my work out there on the NET!  So here's a run down of what I've been up too:
  • I've updated my Twitter Account and I've included a follow me button here on my Blog.
  • I've joined Redbubble, so if your looking for a more economical way of purchasing my Art this is the place to purchase it.  
  • I've created a website through facebook and  here's the link: http://4f548597-5195-47d5-82fa-e91a86d8ac37.3.exai.com/
  • I'm also on Pintrest; Flickr; Viewbug and DiviantArt.
So ya CRAZY...but I have a dream that I want to fulfill and in order to do that I need to get myself out there. So with moving forward I recognize that  my goals, ambitions and dreams in my life's path requires extra work and some magic.......so lets add some magic into the mix shall we.  Who do you know that doesn't like some magic in their every day lives...I know I love the possibilities that everyday can be magic if we really want it to be. 

Title:  I'll Watch Over You

Title: Fairy Magic

Sunday 10 March 2013

I Awoke To Hoar Frost

This morning I awoke to Hoar Frost..yep Saskatchewan is still in winter's Grasp.  The hoar frost was so beautiful I ran out in my PJ's with my hair sticking in all directions to get some images before the winds blew the frost off.  I've also included an image of some Violets that I took on Saturday...I'm so desperate to see some life that I thought I would buy a plant that always blooms into our home.  So for those of you in Canada that are experiencing Spring...how nice for you and yes I'm jealous!

Title: Violet

Title: Winter's Hold

 Title: Moon Light

Tuesday 5 March 2013

Beauty In the Smallest Of Things

Insects you either hate them or love them.  I on the other hand think they are amazing,  they are so important to our environment that I shutter at the thought of the world without them.  I have some special preferences of course and I really do love Butterflies; Ladybirds; bees and Dragonflies. Now do you have a favorite insect? 

Title: Winged Love


Title: Petals

Monday 4 March 2013

Winter Simply Won't End ~ Prairie Blues

Well the weekend started off warm and glorious, I could actually here the snow and ice melting.  Glorious sound...the sound of winter melting.  Alas though this was extremely short lived and yesterday afternoon it started to snow, which then turned into a blizzard!  Needless to say that the highways leading out of Regina today were nasty,  with reports that recommended that travel wasn't advisable.  So to cheer myself up yesterday I did some editing and these images are the end result of some time well spent.  I'm really pleased with how they turned out and I feel that the textures that I used in these images really brings out that little extra that gives each image their own unique Artist Flair.

Title: Prairie Winds

Title: My Beautiful Head Dress


 Title: Walking In Paradise

Sunday 3 March 2013

Who Can Resist Beautiful Flowers

Well as I sit here and watch the snow fall outside..yes you heard right it's snowing yet again.  Saskatchewan is being hit yet again with a small winter storm...we've had snow now since mid October of last year; so at this point I just want Spring to get here already.
So in order to get past the wintetr blues, I thought I would post some lovely flower images today.

 Title: My Golden Highlights

Title: When Heading Out Into A Field


 Title: Faces

Title: Rays Of Light

Saturday 2 March 2013

Animals Come In All Sorts Of Sizes

Hello everyone!
I've decided to post a variety of animal images; from the very small to large.  Although size is only relative to it's surroundings right?  The only reason I'm saying this is because in the Dog World my miniature Dachshund isn't considered to be a large animal, but if you put her image among smaller animals than herself...when then she's HUGE.. LOL
I hope you enjoy these images of:
  • White Cabbage Butterfly
  • Miniature Dachshund
  • Male Yellow Warbler

Title: White Lady


 Title: My Love For You


Title: My Warblers Three