Thursday 23 May 2013

Moving Back To Victoria B.C ~ Excited!

Well after three years of living on the Prairies, we are moving back to Victoria B.C! "There's No Place Like Home" 
 I never thought I would be the one to say that I've taken things for granted...but in this case I certainly did.  In my heart I'm an ocean kinda girl who loves the mountains; large trees; PLENTY OF RAIN;  the smells of dampness while walking through thick forests floors, and the diversity that living in one of the world's miniature rain forests has to offer a person's soul on a daily basis.  That's what I'm moving back too....I can hardly wait.  To Celebrate I've posted two images that are originally from Victoria B.C "Perched" and "Sweet Nectar"  The image of  "My One Legged Friend" was taken here in Wilcox Saskatchewan...wonderful little capture of a male robin working hard to get his nest built.  Even with only one leg to stand on!

Title: My One Legged Friend

 Title: Perched

 Title: Sweet Nectar

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